Through out the year, local league matches are provided weekly for junior players. To find out about local leagues in your area fill out the form below.
Dates: Coming Soon
Divisions offered:
12 & Under Intermediate (green ball)
14 & Under Intermediate (yellow ball)
18 & Under Intermediate (yellow ball)
Please see the links below for initial registration:
Captain's form (if you made a team):
Players looking for a team: https://form.jotf!
JTT League
Teams 3 boys/3 girls 12U, 14U, 18U age divisions
beginner/intermediate level
Pelacan Athletic Club
Dana Cazabon for Team Registration
All Jtt Questions and sign up info goes to Stephanie Brookes
Contact Rhonda Rubben for more information about Junior Team Tennis. Click link below to email her directly.
Become a USTA Junior member at no cost. Juniors can now sign up to play in a USTA sanctioned tournament or league without first having to purchase a USTA membership. In addition, we are working on new benefits that juniors and their parents will soon have access to, designed to better help you navigate your tennis journey.
Why wait until high school to join a tennis team? Or maybe you want to join another team! USTA Junior Team Tennis, or “JTT”, brings together boys and girls, ages 5 to 18, to play singles, doubles and mixed doubles against other coed teams. Beyond being fun and a great form of exercise, USTA Junior Team Tennis is a competitive, level-based environment that promotes individual growth, social development and life skills.
USTA Junior Team Tennis brings kids together for local match play with other junior players in their local areas. The local champions progress to state, sectional, and even national championships. JTT promotes social skills and important values by fostering the spirit of cooperation and unity, as well as individual self-growth.
Age Groups: 18U, 14U, 12U, 10U
Play Levels: Beginner, Intermediate and Advanced
The Junior Team Tennis track is designed to introduce kids to team competition in a setting that focuses on play opportunities, developing skills, and FUN!
Background screening MUST be submitted no later than October 21st. You will be locked out of creating a JTT team until this is completed, submitted and approved!